Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
I always knew the words, but I don't think I could ever really appreciate what they meant until this week. My friend Justin was killed in Iraq last Saturday. I knew he was deployed and thought of him (and his brothers and sister) quite often. All 4 of them are in the special forces of the military.
Growing up in a small town, everyone knows everyone else. My graduating class was just over 50 people, most of whom had brothers and sisters that were in my younger sisters' classes. I went to school with Justin's older sister Amanda, so knew Justin by association. My family would always go over to his family's farm and buy hay from them for our horses. And in the way of small towns, we were all friends and just figured we'd all grow old together.
Justin enrolled in the military in 1999, shortly after graduating high school. He then was accepted into the Special Forces as a medic. He loved what he did and was always in the middle of the action if there was any. He was one of the bravest men I know - always putting other people first and helping as he could. The news of his death last Saturday shocked our community.
His funeral was today and while it was very sad, it was a celebration of sorts. Speaker and speaker stood up and told stories about Justin - mostly funny stories, but some that really spoke to the heart. I doubt there was a dry eye in the house after it was finished. I know mine weren't.
So the next time you see someone in the military, take a minute and stop and thank them for their service. It doesn't matter what you think of the war itself, or what political side you're on. The fact is, these brave soldiers are out there risking their lives for our freedom and will continue to do so as long as they are needed. I know the events of this past week have really shaken our entire community and made me fully appreciate exactly what our brave men and women are risking. It really hit home.
So Justin, as you look down at us, please know that you are a hero, in every sense of the word. You'll be missed but never forgotten!
This picture just gave me chills when I proofed it. They gave out flags at the funeral and Colin was SO excited to see it. He kept making us put our hands over our hearts. We went outside to play and the flag came along. Colin kept glancing up at the sky as if he was looking at angels that none of the adults could see. I know Justin was looking down on all of us that day and will always be around.