I'm sure you've all heard about the urban legend about redheads and their temper right? Well it's not a legend - my daughter Teagan is living proof that there's truth behind the myth! When she's happy she's the happiest child in the world, but when she's not... watch out!
And having a photographer for a Mom means that a lot of those tantrums are caught on camera. But this one struck me as being particularly funny.
I was knitting some hats for the girls (I have to start early because I have a tendancy to get halfway through a knitting project and put it down for months and I wanted the girls to have hats before May.) I finished them a few days ago and wanted some pictures of my little project. So I put it on Meg and she was more than happy to model for me...

Then I put it on Teagan and it all started ok...

But then the tears started coming...

And it turned into a full out tantrum...

Until the Hershey Kiss made an appearance (this happens to be a Lemon Creme - Yum!)

And then all was right in the world again (notice the kiss wrappers scattered around the floor!)
So the moral of this story... when you want your kids to behave for pictures, BRIBE THEM!!! (And yes, Meg did get her hershey kiss when she was finished with the picture.) But just a word of advice - if you do choose chocolate to bribe your children, make sure it's white chocolate. Otherwise when you get that beautiful smile you're looking for, their teeth will be coated with brown chocolate! (Same goes with oreos - only the golden. Otherwise you'll have a lot of pictures of your child looking like Austin Powers. Trust me - I've made that mistake before!)