Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Ok, so I'm a bit late posting this. But better late than never, right? Yesterday was a but of a crazy day for us here. Colin's pre-k class had a halloween party, then we went out to do trick-or-treating before I had to leave for a very cool halloween wedding last night. Phew! But we made it through - and more importantly, the kids got tons and tons of candy! They're still working off the sugar buzz. Tonight I am shooting my little sister's sweet 16 party, so they'll get a chance to dance it off! It's been a busy 2 weeks here for sure!

The kids always crack me up on halloween. You would think they had never had candy before. The way their eyes light up when people put candy into their bags is just hilarious! You can always tell when they "get it" too - all of a sudden they look up at us like "so all we have to do is go up to a house and people actually give us candy??!!" And then they literally run from house to house from that point on.

Meg couldn't get enough of her lollipop!

The kids actually sat down together!!! *shock* Not the best spot for a pic, but hey, I was just happy to have them still for a second! And see the bruise/cut on Meg's nose? That's courtesy of Colin. The other day when we had all the snow the kids were having snowball fights and Colin threw a snowball at Meg that had ice in the middle (he had no idea). Needless to say it hit her square in the face and she's been sporting a nice bruise and some cuts. Poor little girl!
Eating cupcakes at his halloween party

Meggie loved the masks! This mask is for Kourtnie's party tonight!

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